Sunday, December 14, 2008

HDTV Monitor

Oh happy day! I finally got around to hooking up my PC to our 52" HDTV and it seems to work great!

I took a pic for comparison to my "small" 24" Samsung Syncmaster monitor. Gaming doesn't get much better than this!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Complexity of The Cell - EXPELLED - Ben Stein

I have this DVD if anyone is interested in it. But do the movement a favour and get a copy of it and support the efforts to allow critical thinking in our classrooms once again won't you?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bedroom suite

Hi Lisa!

I have to redo the photos to reduce their size I'll have these posted for you tomorrow! :)

Update: Thursday 7:49 PM I finally got around to resizing the images and posting them. Hopefully this will work. I took these the day I finished installing the ceiling fan (love it!). The bedding and curtains aren't installed in these but it gives you an idea of how big these peices are. It didn't look that big in the showroom. ;P

Edit: Bah!! I choose "small" for thumbnails yet it displays it in full size. I'll just have to give you a link to view them. Go here -----> Pics

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hi This is just a test

Testing the add pic function. 2004 Sierra SLT. Still loving it! Makes my trips to my job sites a little less dreary.

Hmm, seems to work well. Click the pic to get the full size.

I think this is my new format! I really hate the facebook thing, all the ads and "so and so just went to the bathroom five minutes ago would you like to comment?" stuff drives me nuts!

So, if you would like to post/contribute to this blog that would be great! and obviously less intrusive and annoying like facebook and it's ilk.